About me

I am a mommy of a beautiful toddler boy; everyday is a learning experience and an opportunity for more heart-warming hugs and lovely baby kisses. Our lifestyle is a mobile one; we travel from one Embassy to the other every two to three years on account of my hubby’s work.

Life is great, every country we reside in becomes a part of us, we believe the lifestyle we have will provide our son with amazing cultural experiences and a good understanding and appreciation of other countries and traditions.

Like any other family we have our share of ups and downs, being away from family and managing life on our own definitely makes us very homesick most of the times.

On a professional level, being a mommy is the most important, exhausting, and rewarding job I have ever had. I am currently working part time to keep myself busy while my darling boy is at daycare gaining much needed social skills. I also recently started my own wall art business; check out my Designed By Mommy page.

So in a nutshell, this is my life as a mommy, diplomatic wife, and amateur entrepreneur. Welcome to my personal blog, I can’t wait to share our humble adventures with you!

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