My Cakes

I’m not a professional baker by any means but I am proud of the few cakes I have made so far. If I was in the States now I would definitely attend a Wilton cake decorating class … maybe one day :).
Almost all the cakes here are inspired by Pintrest. I didn’t include any instructions on them but will do so if someone is interested to know the step by step process so please post your questions if you have any.

– Below is my kid’s one year birthday cake, The theme was a safari birthday since we were in Africa at the time and it just seemed appropriate 🙂

Safari Birthday Cake

Safari Birthday Cake

– The cake below is my own birthday cake, I helped hubby and baby make it for me (got the idea from Pinterest )


– The below cake I baked for my Mom’s Birthday she LOVES cheesecake and this Cheesecake velvet cake was AMAZING (also from Pinterest)


– St Patty’s Day cake:


– Baby’s Two-Two train Birthday cake!


– Last but not least the 4th of July patriotic cake and my personal Favorite!!! (got the idea for the stars from Pinterest too)

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Keep on checking this page for more cakes to come!!

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